MINUTES OF MEETING REMINGTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Remington Community Development District was held on Tuesday, April 23 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Remington Recreation Center, 2651 Remington Boulevard, Kissimmee, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum: Kenneth Soukup Chairman PamZaresk Vice Chair Brian (Ken) Brown Assistant Secretary Tim Mehrlich (via phone) Assistant Secretary David Jaisingh Assistant Secretary Also present: Jason Showe District Manager Scott Clark District Counsel Alan Scheerer Field Manager William McLeod DSI Security Services Pete Glasscock HWA Residents FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Soukup called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and Mr. Showe called the roll. All Supervisors were present. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Modifications to Agenda Mr. Showe: The only slight modification that we have, is the engineer distributed a sheet showing the upcoming roadway project. This will be discussed under his report. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Security Report from DSI Security Services Mr. Soukup: That brings us to the Security Report. April 23, 2024 Remington COD Mr. McLeod: Good evening everyone. In the past month, we had just under 20,000 vehicles go through our gates. The Partin Settlement Road gate had 9,336 residents and 2,021 visitors. The E. Lakeshore Boulevard gate had 6,762 residents and 1,454 visitors. We issued 118 citations this past month and attempted three tows. We were actually successful with three tows that came from 408 Cornwall Court, 522 Berry James Court and 619 Chadbury Way. We generated 700 total reports for the month, 244 for the COO and the remaining 456 for visits to 114 Westmoreland Circle, where we issued one citation. Mr. Soukup: Okay. Are there any questions on the report? Okay, thank you. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. Soukup: That brings us to the Public Comment Period. We don't have any residents present, so we'll go ahead and close the Public Comment Period. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the March 26 2024, Board of Supervisors Meeting Mr. Soukup: That brings us to approval ofminutes from the March 26th meeting. Are there any corrections? On MOTION by Ms. Zaresk seconded by Mr. Brown with all in favor the Minutes of the March 26, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting were approved as presented. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-05 Approving the Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget and Setting a Public Hearing Mr. Soukup: That brings us to the consideration of Resolution 2024-05, approving the Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget and setting a public hearing. Mr. Showe: We presented to the Board, Resolution 2024.05, which starts your Fiscal Year 2024/2025 budget process . This resolution does a couple things. It first approves your Proposed Budget, which is attached as Exhibit A and will include any changes that you make to that budget this evening. It also sets the public hearing, which we tentatively set for your July 23rd meeting. We left the location blank, but it would be our recommendation, if you approve an assessment increase, to hold the meeting at the golf course, because we expect a lot of folks to be there and 2 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD we have to send out mailed notices. But that's a discussion we can have. Italso directs us to transmit this to Osceola County, as well as post it on our website. We did provide you copies ofthe budget, so you can look through it line by line, page by page. It's a little easier to go through it that way. When you look at Page I ofthe budget, these are your Revenues. We will note there may be another change to this, that's going to increase those assessments, but we'll get to that when we get to the Pavement Management Fund. Under Administrative, there are very little changes. Under Operations & Maintenance (O&M), with your Utilities, we typically project a 10% increase, just because we don't know what those rates are going to come in at. They never go down. Roadways are typically the same. Your real increase is in a couple line items. One is Landscaping. Based on our current contract, we anticipate that we are going to have to bid that landscaping out. That's one of the things we're going to ask the Board for permission for tonight, which is to start that Request for Proposals (RFP) process. However, we built in what we consider as a good cushion there, just in case those bids come back larger than our current budget, but to the extent we select a vendor and have some of those numbers beforehand, we may be able to lower that number before we get to the final hearing. But we wanted to build in something that is going to accommodate what we think that number could come in reasonably. Other than that, most of the other changes are relatively small. Again, we included some small increases for all of your vendors. The changes you're going to really notice are when you go down to Other Financing Uses at the bottom, which is really Transfer Out -Capital Projects. As we've noted for the last several years, we scaled back some ofthose contributions to Capital Reserves in order to keep the assessments level. When you look at the current year budget, you will see that there's a County Easement Portion. The Board directed us to collect those funds and put 80% into Landscaping and 20% into Roads. So, we've done that in that allocation. We will note that Transfer Out -Pavement Management, is based on numbers that Pete gave us today. As a result, we probably need to push increase that $150,000 to $235,000, which is going to add about $85,000 more to assessments, translating roughly to a $47 assessment increase. That's just to keep pace with the program that he provided you there. Pete can talk more about it, but I think he said that we're looking at three fiscal years out. So, that $235,000 every year for the next three years, will get you to that number, to complete those projects in three years. I don't know if there's any other comments on that, Pete. Mr. Glasscock: That was it. Without looking in depth and not completing the Engineers Report this year yet, which is upcoming, I can't really tell, but Remington Boulevard needs the 3 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD most attention. You can push it out even further if you like, if you do patching. There is patching that's a little bit more expensive, so it doesn't look like a patch and other alternatives that you can do, other than doing a full road restoration. So, you can kick that further down the road, but if you're looking at the next time it's probably going to be due, it looks like you have about three years left on it, before you need to do something major. Mr. Jaisingh: Any thought about all of the roadways? Mr. Glasscock: It's just Remington Boulevard and then Knightsbridge Boulevard to Brookstone Drive, because that speed hump there, has a lot of failures. Ms. Zaresk: Can I ask a question? Mr. Glasscock: Sure. Ms. Zaresk: Normally I would just say, Ict's get on with it, but given the number ofvisitors that we have coming through the community, it seems to be going up because of all the construction. I guess I'm toying with whether it's better to hold off, at least for another year or so. Mr. Soukup: Well, what's our time to construction? Mr. Glasscock: We're kind oflooking at three years down the road. When it comes to three years, you can say, "Yes, we want to do it at that time or kick it down the road/or another year. " Ms. Zaresk: Well, that's what I was getting at. If we're talking about doing it all in three years, I'm good with that. I'm a little nervous. I don't want to do it now with the increase that I don't think is typical type traffic that we have through here. Mr. Soukup: What about the Knightsbridge section itself? Do we have to wait three years also? Mr. Glasscock: The worst wear is on Knightsbridge, right before you get to Brookstone. That's by far the worst. Mr. Showe: If I recall right, those were the first sections that we did when we redid the roads the first time. So, you're kind of on that second cycle now. Mr. Glasscock: Kind of what we did by Knightsbridge and Owenshire and then we came back and did Brookstone and Southampton. Then we came back again and did the third one in there, but in the meantime, we did another one. I mean, I can go back and look at the sequencing for you, ifyou like and bring that back to you. But, yeah, it was Remington Boulevard and I think Hawks Nest was the first that actually got done, I believe. Mr. Brown: The first thing that was done was Waters Edge. 4 April 23, 2024 Remington COD Mr. Glasscock: Waters Edge was a repair on the first little intersection there. That was a full road, but we didn't mill and resurface. It was just a repair. Then we did Remington Boulevard and then I think Hawks Nest. Then Strathmore Circle, Westmoreland Circle and another one. I can go back and get the sequence. Basically, it was like every other year, that we were doing something. Mr. Jaisingh: What year was this? Mr. Glasscock: I think you're coming up on 13 years right now for Remington Boulevard, I believe. I think it was 2008. Mr. Showe: Yeah. By the time we get to it, it will be like 16 years. Mr. Brown: I would be 16 right now. Mr. Glasscock: Yes. You're in that window of 13 to 17 years, somewhere around there. It just kind of depends on everything, but you're in the window. You're probably looking at about three more budget cycles, this one and then two more. Ms. Zaresk: Okay. So, what you were saying is we are talking about three years down the road. Mr. Showe: Correct. Ms. Zaresk: But we need to start increasing this portion ofthe budget for when that comes. Mr. Showe: To level that increase out. Ms. Zaresk: Right. Mr.Showe:Ifyouwantedto,youwouldn't havetodoitallthisyear,butwhatIthinkwe're ultimately getting at, is in three years, you need $1.5 million sitting there for you to utilize. Ms. Zaresk: Right. Mr. Showe: Should you choose to do all of it. Now, what Pete is saying, is there may be some lower-level stuffwe could do to stretch that time out or stretch those dollars out a little more and that's really a Board decision. Mr. Soukup: We still need to be setting money aside. Mr. Showe: But then likely, you know, the following years after that, you're going to have other internal neighborhoods that will need to be done and using the kind ofthe same process. Ms. Zaresk: Yeah. Mr. Showe: So, if we can set that number aside now and just keep using that money... Ms. Zaresk: Okay. 5 April 23, 2024 Remington COD Mr. Glasscock: We included money for speed hump repairs as well. We are estimating $35,000. There are a lot of speed bumps. Ms. Zaresk: Yeah. Mr. Glasscock: They are showing fatigue. Ms. Zaresk: They are breaking down. Mr. Jaisingh: I'm looking at two separate costs for the two sections? Mr. Glasscock: The other one was when I had Mark and his team look at putting prices in from other things we did. I said, "Add in Knightsbridge to thatfirst intersection, because it's about as bad as when we did this. " Mr. Showe: So, essentially, with the budget you have in front of you, we had $150,000 allocated to transfer into pavement management for next year. With these numbers, we need to push that to $235,000, if the Board's okay with that approach. That keeps that number equal for the next three years. Ms. Zaresk: Right. Mr. Showe: Our goal always, when you go to assessment increase, is to try to keep it at that level for at least a few years, because those hearings can be kind of painful for folks and you don't want to do that every year. Now, some Boards decide that every year, to do a 10% increase, and if that's an approach you'd like to do, it does require mailed notices every single time. Ms. Zaresk: Did I understand you right to say that this would come out to be about $47 more per unit on the assessment? Mr. Showe: You would be looking at about a $240 annual increase. Ms. Zaresk: For the next budget. Mr. Showe: Correct. Ms. Zaresk: Okay. So, $240 per unit. Mr. Showe: Yeah. Mr. Brown: What is it now? Mr. Jaisingh: $192.67. Mr. Showe: We just received these roadway numbers. Mr. Jaisingh: Right. Mr. Showe: As Pete walked into the room. Mr. Jaisingh: So, that's without the roadway. 6 April 23, 2024 Remington eDD Ms. Zaresk: Right. Mr. Showe: So, that's the change. I don't have the numbers right in front of me to be able to calculate that to the penny, but that's roughly what you're looking at. Mr. Glasscock: While you're thinking on that, too, when we get into the neighborhoods, those costs are going to be higher than they were. They're going to be significantly higher this time than in the past,becausethere'salot ofuprooting fromthetrees. So,it'sgoingtotake alot oftrees to repair this time. We kind of saw it on the last one we did, to fix a bunch of curves that we hadn't had to do in the first part, but that's only because that was out there longer. But now we're getting into the first neighborhoods that were built and those trees are very much mature now. We've all seen it, because we had dips in the curb. It's your choice, but to do it right, we would have to go in there and see if we can straighten it out to get the water to flow off of those areas. But just so you know, when we get into the neighborhoods, they are going to be significantly higher than they were the last time we went through and did this. Ms. Zaresk: Okay. Mr. Soukup: Are there any other questions? Mr. Showe: Page 3 starts the narrative, where we have contracts or utility accounts. We try to describe as much detail as we can so we can be transparent with folks. That goes through Page 10. Page 11 is the Pavement Management Fund. As I said, it would be our recommendation to change that $150,000 to $235,000. That should get you to at least accommodate that first set of projects. Then on the last page is the Capital Projects Fund. The Board might have some flexibility here, should you choose. Under Landscaping, we essentially allocated all of that easement money in there, so, you would have $132,000 to do some landscaping projects for next year. You could spread that out over seve~al years. There are multiple ways to do that, but we wanted to separate those funds out, since that was the intent of the Board. Then we obviously increased your Sidewalk/Road Improvement Fund, based on trends that we've seen in those costs over the last several years. What I've also done, is I've left you $100,000 in that Capital Reserve as Carryforward Surplus for the following year, which builds you at least a little bit of a buffer for future projects or things we might not anticipate in here. Mr. Jaisingh: Right. Okay. Mr. Showe: So, it's really up to the Board on what level of assessment you want. Again, we will note that we've tentatively talked to the golf course and it will cost us about $750 for us to 7 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD use that room for that evening. This room probably would not accommodate the amount of folks that we anticipate. Ms. Zaresk: I wouldn't be able to hear a thing anybody said in here anyway. The acoustics in here is so bad. Okay. So, we need to go ahead and approve this resolution. I just want to say that I think the budget looks really well thought out. Mr. Showe: Alan and I spent a lot of time with it this year , knowing that there was an assessment increase. When there is an assessment increase, we try to take that opportunity to really look forward, because, again, we don't want the Board to have to go through that multiple times or more than you need to. Mr. Scheerer: Within the RFP, there may be some savings on whatever the bids come in at. Mr. Showe: Correct. Mr. Scheerer: With that cushion, we're seeing anything from a 10% to 15% increase from contractors across the board for existing contracts. I'm not quite sure what we're doing with brand new RFPs. The last one we had, there was a pretty good increase in it, probably 15% to 20% of what we thought we would need for the budget. So, it's a little high now, but there may be some place for those excess funds to be placed, unless we get it before the adoption. Mr. Brown: When did we do our last assessment increase? I thought it was three years ago. It hasn't been long. Ms. Zaresk: No, that's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking it was three years ago, but I'm not sure. Mr. Jaisingh: Well, I think this one is warranted. The roads have to be redone. Mr. Showe: I think it was in Fiscal Year 2021. Mr. Scheerer: Yeah, three years ago. Ms. Zaresk: That sounds about what I remember. Mr. Brown: How much did we go up that time? It was $200 something. Mr. Showe: We went from $678 to $876 in Fiscal Year 2022, so about a $200 increase. This will be a little more than that, but prior to that, you guys were at that $678 for probably five or six years. We'll do a full presentation. Mr. Brown: We were at that since 2008. Mr. Soukup: Yeah. 8 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD Mr. Showe: So, we do a full presentation that shows the history and we'll annualize that increase out a little bit. Mr. Scheerer: That increase was because of the guardhouses too. You guys built the guardhouses and manned the guardhouses and security. Security costs went up. Mr. Brown: That was when we set aside that $150,000 and we refinanced the bonds and made $3 million from that. Didn't we? Was it that much? I don't remember how much it was, but it was a lot, because they were saying we needed a lot of money. , Mr. Clark: It was enough to kickstart the project. Mr. Brown: Yeah, they were saying we needed a lot for Waters Edge and then it ended up not being as bad as they thought. Ms. Zaresk: Yeah. Okay. Mr. Soukup: Any other questions? Mr. Showe: I will break out the process just so the Board's aware. So, we'll update that number to $235,000. That will reflect in the assessments. When we get that, we'll send out a copy to the Board, so you can start looking at it. What we can do, is at every meeting between now and then, we will justincludewhere we're at. So, ifthere are things that Alan andI notice, wearedoing this seven months in advance, so maybe in a month or two, when Alan and I look at finances, we might be able to dial some of these numbers in a little bit to tighten it up. So, we'll just continue to put this as an agenda item until we're ready to have that hearing and that will be the amount we use to send the mail notices out. But actually, we would use the highest number to send the mailed notices out with and then hopefully, we can bring it down a little bit before the hearing. Ms. Zaresk: Okay. Mr. Showe: So, we need a motion to approve that resolution with that change. On MOTION by Ms. Zaresk seconded by Mr. Brown with all in favor Resolution 2024-05 Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget, changing the Transfer Out-Pavement Management from $150,000to $235,000 and Setting a Public Hearing for July 23, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at Remington Golf Club, 2995 Remington Boulevard, Kissimmee, Florida was adopted. 9 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Pine Trees Mr. Showe: We included an email from a resident that we received , which he would like Board consideration on. We actually approached this issue in 2020, with the Pine trees offofPartin Settlement Road. Some of the Pine needles, are falling on this resident's roof. We initially submitted a claim to insurance, but they denied that claim. So, he is asking again and advising that he potentially could sue the District if the Board didn't approve his request. So, it's really of up to you guys, if there's any action that you would like to take. Otherwise, it would just go back to Insurance. Mr. Jaisingh: When was this claim submitted? Mr. Showe: In 2020. Mr. Jaisingh: How old is the screen on his enclosure? Mr. Showe: I think it's been there since the house was built. Mr. Jaisingh: It looks worn to me, if. this is the picture that I'm looking at. Mr. Scheerer: Where the red dot is, that's just a reflection, probably from the sun. Mr. Showe: Yeah. Mr. Scheerer: That's his house. There are about five Pine trees directly behind his house. Mr. Showe: Yeah. Mr. Scheerer: There's approximately eight between his house. He's at 1037 and his neighborisat 1039totheright,asyou'relookingatthatpicture.Thentotheleft,Ithinktherewere about four trees that died from pine beetles that we ended up removing for safety issues. Mr. Glasscock: Are any of these dead? Mr. Scheerer: I don't see anything dead here, just yet. I'm not saying that it won't happen, but Jason and I looked at them today just before the meeting. This picture is from the Property Appraiser. It's up to date. You can clearly see the trees and I don't see any issues with the trees at this time. Mr. Soukup: Are there two that look closer to the fence than the others? Mr. Scheerer: Yeah, there's probably a couple ofthem. They're kind ofstaggered. Mr. Jaisingh: I don't understand what the claim is, though. The screen is intact. Mr. Scheerer: There were pine needles on his screen and he had to replace the screen. I believe that was the claim. Mr. Showe: Yes. 10 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD Mr. Jaisingh: Also, these screens were replaced in 2022. Mr. Showe: Once he made the claim, we let the insurance process it, so we don't get all of the information. They initially denied the claim back in 2020. For the Board's information, we let them know that this has come back up again and it might come back to them. So, they are aware. Mr. Jaisingh: Yeah. I think we should just let the insurance company handle this. Ms. DeVries: Yes. I agree. Mr. Jaisingh: They have to have sufficient reasons to deny the claim. We're not experts in pine needles on screens. Ms. Zaresk: I just want to know when you changed your address. Ms. Showe. Mr. Showe: I don't know. Mr. Soukup: At what point do you want to discuss the RFP for landscaping? Mr. Showe: We were going to do that under Alan's report, but we can discuss it now. Mr. Soukup: We'reatStaffReportsnow. • Staff Reports -Field Manager's Report (Item 8D) Mr. Showe: Well, what we would look from the Board from our end, is just a motion to direct staffto get that RFP together for landscaping. We would use the current scope that we have as the foundation, because I think this Board's pretty happy with the current scope and services. Mr. Scheerer: Yeah. The one thing in this scope, I think it was done after the original REW quote, when Mr. Zarkowski was on the Board and we had the meeting with all of the different proposers at the time. One of the things that they requested was the Porter. So, I'm assuming the Board is still okay with the five day a week Porter service, emptying the trash, picking up garbage, doing all of that stuff. I looked at the scope a couple weeks back, in anticipation of this day. There isn't anything definitive in the scope, but I will add something by the District Manager's office to make sure that it's worded properly, that all proposers need to include a Porter, five days a week and that we have no facility on site for any ofyour vehicles and equipment. The only reason Down to Earth has it, is because they manage the golfcourse. So, they're allowed to use that area. I know that if there are any changes, they may not be amenable to anybody else being back in the maintenance area, but we'll add that, like I said. I think the Porter does a great job keeping an eye on things. He also doubles as something that can tree trim, pull weeds and stuff like that. So, we'll put that together as quickly as possible. 11 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD Mr. Soukup: Do you need a motion? Mr. Showe: Yeah, we would just need a motion to authorize staffto do the landscape. RFP. On MOTION by Mr. Brown seconded by Ms. Zaresk with all in favor authorization for staff to issue a Request for Proposals for landscaping services was approved. Mr.Brown: Doyou post itordoyou justsend itouttopeople? Mr. Showe: We have to post it. For Osceola County, we typically use the Osceola News Gazette. It's a little cheaper than The Orlando Sentinel, but then we also obviously had a bunch of contacts that we sent out to directly, to see if they're interested. We expect there will be a lot of traffic on receiving bids. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Soukup: That brings us to Staff Reports. Mr. Clark: Alright, I just want to report on the ongoing OUC Lakeshore Electric matter. They continue to ignore my reaching out to them, reminding them and goading them. I would suggest that the Board authorize me to send a notice that is required for all governmental entities under the sovereign unity legislation, to send a notice 180 days ahead of filing suit. It doesn't obligate us to, but it sends a message to them that we're not going to go away. I think that would be the logical next step. Mr. Soukup: I agree with that. Mr. Clark: I would just ask for a motion. On MOTION by Mr. Jaisingh seconded by Mr. Brown with all in favor authorization for District Counsel to send a notice to OUC Lakeshore Electric under the sovereign unity legislation 180 days ahead of filing suit was approved. Mr. Clark: Okay, that's the only thing that I have tonight, unless the Board has questions forme. 12 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD B. Engineer Mr. Soukup: District Engineer. Mr. Showe: We talked about what I needed to discuss, unless you have any questions. C. District Manager's Report Mr. Soukup: That brings us to the District Manager's Report. i, Approval of Check Register Mr. Showe: The first item we have is the approval ofyour Check Register. In your General Fund, we have Checks #7265 through #7292, as well as Capital Reserve Checks #127 through #129 for a total of $83,605.85. A summary of those invoices is attached. Alan and I can answer any of questions you have or we can take a motion to approve. Mr. Soukup: Are there any questions on any ofthe individual checks? On MOTION by Ms. Zaresk seconded by Mr. Jaisingh with all in favor the March 16, 2024 through April 12, 2024 Check Register in the amount of $83,605.85 was approved. ii, Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Showe: Behind that, is your Balance Sheet and Income Statement. No action is required by the Board. We are doing better than budget to actuals, so, we're in good shape there. You're at 97% collected on our assessments, so, we're in good shape there as well. iii. Presentation of OCSO Reports Mr. Showe: Behind that, are all ofyour Osceola County Sheriff's Office Reports. D. Field Manager's Report Mr. Showe: With that, we can have Alan proceed with the Field Manager's Report. Mr. Scheerer: The Amenity Center is in good shape. We did get the new treadmill. David from Fitness Showcase, who does all the work here, came out. He told me that we have enough room. I know we talked about a multifunctional machine. He says we have enough room in there totake outadditionalpieces ofequipmentandaddthis three-piecemultifunctionpiece ofmachine. But until he can meet me out here, explain to me exactly what's coming out and how it's going to 13 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD work, we just have to make sure everybody can get access to it. Who knows, maybe it'll give us enough room for another treadmill or piece of equipment like that. Ms. Zaresk: Is this equipment something that only one person can use, even though it does multiple things? Mr. Scheerer: You're going to have three stations on one piece of equipment, so you may have a lap pull down or some sort of a cable row. Ms. Zaresk: Right. Mr. Scheerer: He sent me some diagrams on it, but it's going to replace some of the older pieces of equipment in there. Ms. Zaresk: But the point being, is if somebody's doing rowing and somebody's doing reps or whatever, more than one person can use it. Mr.Scheerer: Yeah. Therewillbethreedifferentstationsthatcan beusedbythreedifferent people simultaneously. Ms. Zaresk: Okay. Cool. Mr. Scheerer: So, we're still working on that, trying to get that together. The pool is good. I'm anticipating the Pool Inspector coming out, because they came out to Reunion today. He will be coming out and doing a test of everything. We had to replace the footrest on the handicap lift outthere.Thekidswere gettingalittlecrazy.So,wetookcare ofthatandhadthatdone.The Ale is working well, as you can tell in here. The gates are in good shape. We did have a gate arm knocked off over the weekend, but it's been repaired. There was no damage to the gate arm. We'll assess whatever the cost is. We have the information from security on the resident and we will go after them for the cost for that. The contract for Applied Aquatic, they are doing a good job on the ponds. Now we are coming into that time of the year where the weather is going to get hot and we'regoingtoseesome changesalgaewise. Asyouknow, wetendtogetthatonacouple ofponds up here, so we'll keep an eye on that. During the last rain, an inlet backed up between Club Villas and Hawks Nest, by the lift station. Brownies came out and took a look at it. They're coming back out again, because they couldn't jet it. It actually runs from this side of the road, not into the pond that's right next to it, but across the street into the golf course pond. It runs totally in a different direction. I would have thought it would have shot right into that pond by our famous wobble board, but it does not. We had given them a set of plans last year when we were going through the problems up here in Somerset and Parkland and a couple other spaces. So, they have all of the 14 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD plans, but we're going to continue to work on those and we'll jet a couple of the other ones that we had problems with last year, out of an abundance of caution. The outdoor fitness equipment is in good shape. We still have no power at the E Lakeshore Boulevard gate. The wiring was completed for the hardwood lights and they are working fme. So, we should be good there. I know that will help the kids because they actually wait on that side of the road for the bus in the morning. Ms. Zaresk: Yeah. • Consideration of Farrington Landscape Proposal Mr. Scheerer: The Farrington project to remove the hardwoods, I believe is going to start this week. We had a meeting on Friday, as I wanted to make sure that all safety precautions were mentioned and nothing hits the roof and make sure everything's covered. The same guys that do our normal street tree trimming here, are the same crew that's going to remove the trees. Mr. Soukup: Okay. Mr. Scheerer: I'll try to get a defmitive date on that. I want to try to be here, if possib Ie. Mr. Showe: For the Board's information, we did reach out to the resident, to let her know what was approved and she was thankful. Mr. Scheerer: She said thank you. She wasn't upset that it wasn't any more than that. Ms. Zaresk: Good. Mr. Scheerer: So, we'll go from there. That's all I have. Mr. Soukup: Are there any questions? Hearing none, i. Consideration of Sunscape Landscape Proposal Mr. Scheerer: The next item on the agenda is the proposal from Sunscape Consulting. As you know, we discussed allocating a lot of the money from the county for a Landscape Improvement Plan. We reached out to Sunscape Consulting and their Landscape Architect. He assessed the Partin Settlement Road frontage, the entrance, the Lakeshore Boulevard entrance, Remington Boulevard mediums and edges, Knightsbridge edges and medians, which we really don't have at the end by Owenshire and the community amenity area right here, as well as all of the individual community entrances. So, this proposal, I think lays everything out. I'm hoping the Board had a chance to read through it. Coming up with a base set of plans using the plans for the community to be provided by us, I believe we may have some ofthat and we can work with Hanson Walter to get that. If not, they're going to have to recreate that, based on the maintenance map that 15 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD Hanson Walter provided us. They're going to do a site visit with base plans, to document existing conditions, take photos and measurements, locate everything and then prepare landscape plans for pricing and construction at a scale of approximately one 1 inch = 20 foot, trees, shrub, ground covers, beds, lawns and plannings. A plant list by quantity, name size specification will be included. Photographs of each of the proposed plants would also be included. There is a list ofnot included items in there. The cost for that isjust a measly $31,500. Ms. DeVries: Oh. Mr. Scheerer:Thatwillgiveyouacompleteset ofdesignplans.Wecannegotiatetheplans and stuff, up until we accept the plans. Any changes after that, there will be a charge. We will probably have to have a bunch of meetings, to see how the Board feels about what they're proposing, once you finalize the plans. Mr. Jaisingh: Did we try to negotiate this $31,500 that they were asking for this rendering? Mr. Scheerer:~o. Mr. Jaisingh: What are the odds of us haggling? Mr. Scheerer: I'd be more than happy to ask them if he could do better, but they typically give you the best price . He has a list ofreferences. All ofthose references are good references. I'm sure we can omit some of the scope, which may lower the price, but we still need to have all the plans. We still have to create the rendering and the plant pallet and all that still needs to happen. Mr . Jaisingh: Right. Mr. Showe: Not to throw a wrench in this, but this could be something that, obviously, you're allocating funding in next year's budget for landscape upgrades and this could be a thing you just do as part of that. Mr. Jaisingh: Right. Mr. Showe: Theykind ofstarttheprogram,likewe designtheplan.Then,youknow, you carry that money forward. This just gives you a plan . Then it's really up to you guys on how you choose to execute that plan. The timing that you execute that plan, I mean, that kind ofgives the Board that flexibility. So, again, it's not anything that we're recommending as an immediate need, but it was something that the Board said that they would like to take a look at, in terms of coming up with a comprehensive plan. The alternative is we can just go back with a similar thing to what you had now. 16 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD Mr. Scheerer: We could put everything back the way it is right now and not spend your $31,500andusethe $130,000inthe2025 budget.Instead ofreplacingall ofthe hedges withwhat's there now, we would replace all the plants with what's there now. The only area that I would be concerned about are the Ligustrums, which are the mushroom shaped trees. They have been the exact same size for as long as I've been here, probably as long as Hanson Walter have been here. So, you may want to come up with something different for that, but as far as the community entrances, you don't have to spend the $31,500 on this. You could allocate that to just replacing Viburnum hedges, Arboricola Trinettes, whatever you want, that's already there. We know it's there now and we can just put it all back. Mr. Jaisingh: Right. Well, that was the whole idea initially, to keep what we have and replace. Somehow it came up to us getting a plan. Mr. Scheerer: Well, I think the plan was based on a couple of things. If I'm wrong, my apologies, is that the Board wanted to take plants out, but not putting the plants back. Mr. Jaisingh: Right. Mr. Scheerer: We have a $10,000 plant replacement budget, in a budget that we don't want to raise assessments. So that was part of the reason. However, if we want to upgrade the community, my understanding was you wanted the new look that would expand the next 30 years, not stay with the same look. Mr. Jaisingh: Right. Mr. Scheerer: Okay. Which is why I brought up, if somebody wants to get on a Landscape Committee and you all want to sit down and take a look at this stuff, maybe a rep on the Board and a rep of the HOA, can kind of referee and then go, "Sure, no problem. We can do that. "I'm sorry, but that's not what I was under the impression of. Anyway, with that being said, you just tell me what you want to do and we'll do it. Mr. Soukup: What do you guys think? Ms. Zaresk: Well, I have to ask a question. I know things are aging out and needs replacing. Do we have any issues with what's here? Have they been problematic? Are they not appropriate? Do we need somebody to say, "This isn't going well in this location? It doesn't get enough light. " Mr. Soukup: I think part of the problem is some of these community entrances don't have any color. They just need some pop to it. Harwood looks rough. 17 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD Mr. Scheerer: Yeah, I mentioned this a couple of times. I'm really a fan of Ixoras. You know what that plant is? Mr. Soukup: No. Mr. Scheerer: Go to Glen Eagles or Windsor Park. We re-did that, meaning myself, with the assistance of REW, at the time. We wanted color. There was no color. All you had was maybe some Fakahatchee grasses or some Pink Muhly that only blooms once a year. So, we came up with this plan to put Ixoras in the front. Go take a look and if you want color, we can design all of those beds, with maybe the exception ofHawks Next that have Sago Palms, which I'm shocked are still living and thriving. I wouldn't remove them. Mr. Soukup: Yeah, but maybe on that one we could throw some Crotons in or something that's low, for a little bit of color. Mr. Scheerer: Well, Crotons don't stay low. Dwarf lxoras stay low. Firebush is a nice plant that stays low. Dwarf lxoras bloom all year round. Mr.Jaisingh: So,withthisplant,Idon'tthinkorsawanything,wheretheyareincorporating the existing pallet that we have . Mr. Scheerer: No, I think they're going to come in and take a look at it and make recommendations based on what's going in today. A lot of this stuff, you know, they're using sporadically now, with a lot of these new entrances, they're pretty high end. Mr. Showe: Yeah. I think I'd look at this proposal, as an upgraded look. Ifyou like the look thatyou have now, that'ssomethingwecanaccommodate,withoutthis.This iskind ofbeyondour scope. We're not landscape designers. These guys are specific landscape designers. They're going to come in and if you really want to make this place look, top end, this is the plan that they are going to come up with. If you like certain monuments and you say, "We want most of our monuments to look like this one, " then I think that's something we can work with. Mr. Scheerer: And some ofthese come in a different color palette, too. Ixora comes in three different colors: orange, red, and yellow. Mr. Showe: Yeah. Mr. Brown: So, tell me if this isjust a horrible idea. It probably is. Would it be possible to do a matrix of what we have? Have a list of what we have in these locations and then have potentially two things that you could just replace that with that are similar, like the Ligustrums or 18 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD something like maybe two plants that you would say, "Oh, maybe you couldput one ofthese two things there. " Mr. Scheerer: Well, a Ligustrum is a tree and trees are different. Alright. There are a multitudeoftreesthat youcanplant,butyouhavetoremember,the proximity ofthosetreestothe wall, is only about 2.5 feet. Right? I wouldn't put a tree back in there. I would pull the trees out and put shrubs or something like that, unless you're going to pocket in the grass between the sidewalk and the landscape bed. Ifyou're going to come in there and decide to put some nice trees in there, maybe some Japanese Blueberries, if you don't know what those are, go look where we had the beautiful Canary Palms behind the gate at E. Lakeshore Boulevard. There are two massive Japanese Blueberries that are shaped like a cone and look great. Unfortunately, if they grow too great, we may have to pull one out at some point, just from a line-of-sight concern if it ever becomes an issue. But those are a great tree . They're a foolproof tree. But as far as the plants go, can we inventory your entrances? Absolutely. It might take me a little while, but we can definitely provide an inventory. Strathmore is just green. You could probably pull out the plants in front, put someIxorasinthereandall ofasudden youhave awholenewlook. Ifthat'swhatyou wantmeto do, I'd be happy to do that for you. You just might have to give me a little time to inventory it. Mr. Brown: Does that sound good? Ms. Zaresk: Well, there were other people that I think were much more concerned about this landscaping than I was. So, my opinion on this is we don't need this. Mr. Soukup: We can buy a lot of plans for $31,000. Ms. Zaresk: I don't think we need to spend $130,000 to get a plan. How much upgrading, personally, as long as it's well maintained and they're alive? Don't get me wrong, it's a big plus, but I'm just saying. Mr. Jaisingh: The landscaping is old and there's a lot of voids in certain areas. Ms. Zaresk: Right. Mr. Jaisingh: At the entrance to most of the communities, they're missing plants. Ms. Zaresk: Right Mr. Jaisingh: The idea is to make it full again, make it vibrant again. Ms. Zaresk: Okay. I'm on board with that. Mr. Jaisingh: It's not to replace everything. It's not to have a Master Plan, but to make the landscape whole again. 19 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD Mr. Scheerer: Tum me loose. Mr. Brown: We don't want this to look like Wentworth. Mr. Jaisingh: No. Listen, I'm new to the community and its looking like that. Ms. Zaresk: So, bye bye these guys. Right? Mr. Showe: Yeah. It was an option for the Board to consider. Ms. Zaresk: And I'm glad to see it, truthfully, because it gives you a lot of insight. Mr. Showe: The proposal's free. So, at some point, if you guys go back and say, "Oh, crap, now we want it, " it' s free. Mr. Jaisingh: Right. Mr. Scheerer: We're going to make it look good. Mr. Soukup: The other sore spot is those two islands over here where they keep running over the bushes. Mr. Scheerer: So, we will do an inventory and will start with all of the community entrances. Mr. Jaisingh: Right. Mr. Scheerer: I don't think the walls are a hot topic. We do have some Indian Hawthorne that are missing and I'll be more than happy to replace those. Okay. But we will start with the community entrances. I'll inventory the plants and then we'll put in a couple of recommendations. What I'll do is I'll work with John at REW. If I can get the name, I can get the photos. Maybe I'll try to photograph each entrance, give you the plant list and a couple recommendations for reference. Ms. Zaresk: Yes. Mr. Soukup: Perfect. Mr. Jaisingh: Right. Something that we can put in there that will change it. Mr. Scheerer: Ifyou're driving back andforth here,likemost ofyoudo, because you have lived here forever, take a look at next door. Look at Glen Eagles. Look at Windsor Park and tell me what you think. I think they're the nicest entrances. Ms. Zaresk: Yeah, they are. Mr. Showe: If there's something specific that you like, shoot, Alan and I email and we'll make sure we incorporate that in the plan. 20 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD Mr. Scheerer: And a lot of times we're going to look at something that constantly regenerates color. Mr. Jaisingh: Right. Mr. Scheerer: Green is always green. That's not color to me. It's just green. Mr. Jaisingh: There's a shrub that's medium height and it has this yellow end to it.It's not bright yellow. It's like a light green. I don't know what it's called; Mr. Scheerer: It's probably an Arboricola. Mr. Jaisingh: Yeah. Ifwe can incorporate some of that. Mr. Scheerer: We'll bring you a couple of ideas. Just give me a little bit of time. I'll save you $31,000. Spend it on lunch. Mr. Jaisingh: We can take all that money that we got from the county and we can just throw it in replacing all of the plants that are missing and get some colors in there. Mr. Scheerer: Yes sir. Ms. Zaresk: Perfect. Mr. Scheerer: You got it. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests Mr. Soukup: That brings us to Supervisor's Requests. Ms. Zaresk. Ms. Zaresk: I have no request, but I do want or you to pass on to our street sweepers that they did the inside. They did it right this month. That's all I have. Mr. Scheerer: All we did was ask. Mr. Soukup: Mr. Jaisingh? Mr. Jaisingh: Nothing. Mr. Soukup: Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown: The place looks good. Mr. Soukup: Mr. Mehrlich. Mr. Mehrlich: Nothing for me. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Date -May 28, 2024 Mr. Soukup: With that, our next meeting is set for May 28th . 21 April 23, 2024 Remington CDD ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Soukup adjourned the meeting. ~L/ ssistant Secretary ChairmanNice"Chairman 22