July 16, 2024 Board of Supervisors Remington Community Development District Dear Board Members, The Board of Supervisors of the Remington Community Development District will meet Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Remington Golf Club, 2995 Remington Blvd., Kissimmee, FL 34744. Following is the advance agenda for the meeting: 1. Roll Call 2. Modifications to Agenda 3. Security Report from DSI Security Services 4. Public Comment Period 5. Approval of Minutes of the June 25, 2024, Board of Supervisors Meeting 6. Public Hearing A. Consideration of Resolution 2024-06 Adopting the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Appropriating Funds B. Consideration of Resolution 2024-07 Imposing Fiscal Year 2025 Special Assessments and Certifying Assessment Roll 7. Review of Proposals for Landscaping and Selection of Vendor A. Down To Earth Landscape & Irrigation B. Helping Hand Lawn Care C. OmegaScapes D. Weber Environmental Services E. Yellowstone Landscape 8. Presentation of Fiscal Year 2023 Financial Audit Report 9. Staff Reports A. Attorney B. Engineer C. District Manager’s Report i. Approval of Check Register ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement iii. Presentation of OCSO Reports D. Field Manager’s Report 10. Supervisor’s Requests 11. Next Meeting Date- August 27, 2024 12. Adjournment MINUTES OF MEETING REMINGTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Remington Community Development District was held on Tuesday, May 28 2024 at 6:09 p.m. at the Remington Recreation Center, 2651 Remington Boulevard, Kissimmee, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum: Kenneth Soukup Chairman Brian (Ken) Brown Assistant Secretary Tim Mehrlich Assistant Secretary David Jaisingh via phone Assistant Secretary Also present: Jason Showe District Manager Scott Clark District Counsel Alan Scheerer Field Manager John Thacker DSI Security Services Pete Glasscock District Engineer FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Soukup called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. and Mr. Showe called the roll. Three Supervisors were present constituting a quorum and one Supervisor participated by Phone. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Modifications to Agenda Mr. Showe: That brings us to modifications to agenda. Mr. Soukup: We have none. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Security Report from DSI Security Services Mr. Soukup: That brings us to the Security Report. Mr. Thacker: Good evening, I am John Thacker. I am the branch manager for DSI. I’ve got Bill on a special assignment. I was out here, so I figured I would stop and say hello. Pardon me if I am not as good as Bill. The information provided I am about to share with you is provided by Bill. So, blame him. Mr. Brown: If you’re better, we’ll pardon him too. Mr. Thacker: At Partin gate, we had 9,018 residents since the last meeting. 2,970 visitors went through that gate. Lakeshore had 8,069 residents. Visitors, 2,970, for a grand total of 21,717. We had 143 citations issued, two attempted tows, two actual tows. 266 reports. 114 Westmoreland, which Tim just mentioned. We visited them 466 times this past 30 days with one citation issued. Mr. Soukup: Okay. Any questions on the report? Mr. Mehrlich: No. I want to briefly talk about 114. I don’t know when the appropriate time is. Mr. Brown: I think now. Mr. Soukup: Yes. It’s security. Mr. Mehrlich: Okay. Something’s got to be done about 114 Westmoreland Circle. It is getting to the point to where it’s unsafe to drive by while they are parked in the street, and they are in the street because they are now almost to the verge of stopping traffic when you drive by. They are flicking you off with hand gestures. They are staring you down as you drive by. When they were parked in the street, they are not just parked in the street, the street has become their driveway. Like I was mentioning a minute ago, we’ve got rules and regulations for this neighborhood. I bought in here in 1997. Actually, I bought in 1996 and I purposely bought into a deed restricted community because I wanted to be detected by the deed restrictions. My neighbors house right next to me has been foreclosed on for not mowing the grass by the HOA. So, you can’t tell me that you can’t blatantly disregard our rules, and nothing can be done. I understand our “I’s” have to be dotted, our “T’s” have to be crossed, all things have to be done properly, but there has absolutely, positively got to be a way for somebody who is just blatantly disregarding the rules. And then, not only disregarding the rules, but being threatening as you drive by about it. Now, just to be totally transparent, because a guy is washing his vehicle, in the car, in the driveway, in his boat, and I drive by at 15 miles an hour, and I get closer to this individual than what maybe I should have. I’m doing 10 miles less than the speed limit. So, now this guy has got it out for me because I drove by. So, now when my wife drives by in my pickup truck, this guy is a threatening gesture to me. When people are in the car, we witnessed other people that are driving by when this is taking place, they are not just in the road, they are in the road and standing out and away from the vehicles, opening their car doors completely. And they know when they get us to a certain point because everything goes quiet and dormant. Hence, the 466 visits and not a lot going on. But when they do violate, it’s blatant and huge and big and I’m going to go to jail because you can’t threaten my wife and you can’t threaten my daughter with her safety and well-being in my own neighborhood where I’ve lived for 25 years. And you can’t violate the rules and the laws that we all live and abide by. The community looks absolutely fantastic at night. People aren’t parking on the street. People aren’t breaking our rules and regulations. Yards are mowed and everything. But these people park on the street and their boats in the street for not one hour, not 30 minutes, it’s in the street for 12 hours. And when I get on the telephone with Bill and say, “Bill, what the heck, man? I mean, these guys standing out in the middle of the road, shooting me the bird and threatening me to drive by him.” And so, they do send a guy by, and the security guard runs. So, if the security guard goes to show up to write a citation and he runs, then what in the world is the rest of us supposed to do as residents that’s living in this environment? Now, I know, Jason, from your standpoint, it’s one out of 1,700, so let’s just let it blow over. Mr. Showe: That’s not my stance at all. Mr. Mehrlich: Ok. Then, I’ll stand corrected. Mr. Soukup: If you will let us comment now, I think we have two separate issues here. At this point, if it’s this many stops every single month, can we go back and send them a letter again? That’s issue one. Like we did before about no street parking. Mr. Mehrlich: I think we have exhausted what we have done as collective thing. I feel like all of us, as a Board member, have done and feel everything. I honestly do feel like Jason cares and Alan. I do feel like the security company is doing what they can. I know from the attorneys standpoint; the attorneys have tried to write laws that these guys continue to get around. But what I am saying is that we’ve got to figure something else out. Mr. Soukup: And the other thing I was trying to finish my comment was, is the second part of that, I think you have to get some of the sheriffs involved in that emergency line if they’re blocking the path of road. There’s no way an ambulance can get down that street if they are parking there. Mr. Mehrlich: I disagree with that, because they visited 466. Mr. Soukup: What’s wrong with taking this two-pronged approach? Mr. Mehrlich: Because when the sheriff’s department drives by, they’re not going to jump out in the road and shoot you the bird. If the sheriff’s department shows up, they’re going to go back inside their garage or they’re going to be parked on the road. The sheriff’s department says, “Well, they’re parked on the road, and they are facing the right direction.” So, they’re going to drive right on by. They’re not going to do anything. Mr. Soukup: You’re saying they’re blocked out more in the road than they are sitting in their own driveway. Mr. Mehrlich: No, their right tire is on the apron. Their right tire is on the concrete curb, but their car door is wide open. They’re in the middle of the road hosing their car with a hose and standing back from the vehicle like this. So, if you’ve got an ever how wide a vehicle is, and you’ve got a water hose and you’re back here washing it and you’ve got a car door wide open, how much space does that leave to drive by? Mr. Soukup: Right. Mr. Mehrlich: Ok. So, I drive by at 15 miles an hour, which is almost half the speed limit and now these guys are pissed off at me because I got close to them, well, they’re playing in the middle of the dang road. You know, if you’re playing in the middle of the road, you might get run over. Right? So, somethings got to be done. I’m going to get arrested because I’m concerned about my daughter leaving while this animosity is going on while we’re driving. They know what cars I drive. My wife drives by in my vehicle, and they are antagonizing and threatening her. And it’s B.S. and I don’t want to go on and on and on. I just want to make it on the record that somethings got to be done. Bill was going to research what could be done from their side. I think we need to ask the attorney to figure out what can be done. I think the Board needs to support us. I don’t know if you guys get copies of the girl that lives next door that’s on the Board, but hundreds, hundreds of violations, even after this boat incident. The truck’s back on the street. It’s absolutely ludicrous. But yet, they can visit 466 times and they’re not on the street. It’s not an easy situation. It is a strange situation. They are taking advantage of us or taking advantage of our rules. And on top of that, they’re a tenant. They’re a tenant with a property management company. And I personally think that that’s the avenue we need to take. We need to go after the actual owner of the house. And I’m at my wit’s end. Mr. Jaisingh: If I may, I would like to say something. Mr. Soukup: Hold on one second, let’s get Scott’s input on this. Mr. Clark: Go ahead and let him add his input. Mr. Soukup: Sorry. Go ahead. Mr. Showe: Go ahead, David. Mr. Jaisingh: There was a two-part situation that I am hearing happening. So, one part is the house and the people in the house. I’ve always heard of different violations happening. I know Bill has sent people out there to keep the house on watch and everything, but there’s a second element to this now that you’re mentioning that people are being threatening to you and your family. That part is basically going to have to be up to the sheriff’s department to handle that part if you’re threatened. Mr. Mehrlich: Listen, I am not going to call the sheriff’s department because someone is shooting me the bird. Ok. I’m not going to do that. I’ll tell all you guys that. However, the threat is there. The problem is going to come up because it’s going to escalate from there. But if you think I’m calling the sheriff’s department because someone shot me the bird, you’re barking down the wrong avenue. Mr. Jaisingh: Well, I was going to suggest not calling the sheriff’s department, but going in and opening up a case where they can have a detective take a look because you are feeling threatened, yourself and your family, before it escalates to where you’re in the wrong. And I don’t want that. Is this protecting you and your family? If you have a detective on the case, they can actually go and look at the Ring cameras in the neighborhood and they can see the dates of what they have done in the streets. That is something beneficial to you, if you want to take that road. Mr. Mehrlich: I have thought about that and quite possibly will and more than likely probably should, to put it on the record to make it official. I’m telling you; it’s going to be a problem and I am going to be talking to you guys from the jail cell, and it’s not going to be a good situation and it shouldn’t happen. Why do I have to live in this? Why does the neighbor next door have to live with it? They were making gun gestures to her on her back porch, and I don’t even like the girl and I’m standing up here fighting for the girl. The president of the HOA, who I don’t care for either, has written all kinds of lengthy notes that are saying, “How are we continuing to live with this?” So, it’s not like I’m a single weird person here. These people are off the charts. Mr. Clark: All right. So, I’ll start with the second part. The law enforcement component of this is law enforcement, and it’s not what we do. But I do encourage you also to just go open a file and start documenting is what I always tell people. Mr. Mehrlich: I will. I will go to the police department, and I will document it. Mr. Clark: And they say, “It’s a waste of my time.”, but at some point, it might not be a waste. Mr. Mehrlich: Right. Mr. Clark: So, you always document it. I’m struggling with the disconnect of how we visit them 400 and some times and have one citation. Is it just because they know the schedule? Mr. Mehrlich: From Bill’s standpoint, Bill says they called it in. But you’re only allowed seven times in a month. How do they call in? Mr. Clark: Well, we can document what they’ve called in in need to. But, if their calling it in fraudulently, are rules being rewritten to? Mr. Mehrlich: The other thing they do, not to interrupt but just to keep you informed as you speak, is they rotate vehicles. And Bill says, “I can’t be sure what car is their car and what car is not their car.”, which I understand, and I agree. That’s why I think we’ve got to figure out how to go deeper somehow. But they’ve got a variety of cars that they rotate in and out of their household. I actually think, I don’t know this for a fact, but I think they have another house they stay in in the neighborhood. Right now, there’s a black van in the driveway that hasn’t been there in quite some time, but it’s there now. Mr. Clark: Let me ask this question. Would the Board like me to spend some time to look specifically at the reports on this address and brainstorm on it? Mr. Soukup: Yes. And have Bill pull the reports for the last three months for just that. He should be able to pull that for there, can’t he? For this address. He knows it’s a problem, so I am sure he is already putting it aside that information. Mr. Brown: He is an elected official, so I’m sure there’s different protections for Board members. Mr. Clark: Let me kind of dig into that a little bit because I am just struck by the disconnect between the report that we get and what you say is going on. Mr. Soukup: So, you can review it. Mr. Showe: Of the 400 and so, we get the videos typically when there’s a car parked in the street. So, in May, they’ve had eight emails or eight different days. Actually, seven different days. And some of those vehicles Bill has indicated have been called in. So, that’s kind of my challenge is we’re struck with the rules that we have, and I can’t enforce outside of those rules. And so, to date, it doesn’t appear that they’re violating the District rules. Mr. Clark: Can you track the call ins and kind of match them to the visits and records and let me see if I can see what the pattern is? Mr. Showe: Yes. Mr. Clark: Maybe if we can find a pattern of what they are doing, then maybe we can address it. Mr. Soukup: Yes. Even excessive calling, if it’s over a time period, we can say that’s in excess. Mr. Brown: And every one of our incident reports that we submit has a photo that’s from the street and down the street, so you’ll see where there is no vehicle parked there at that time. Mr. Clark: Yes. So, if we can generate a pattern the times when there’s been a call that said there is a car parked there and it matches a call that you have. Then, I think we can dig into that a little bit. And there’s got to be a way to show that it’s fraudulent. Mr. Mehrlich: Yes. They are smart with what they do and how they do it. I give everybody that. But these security guys will also tell you that they are afraid of these people. I am not because I came from a different cut of cloth. Mr. Showe: I was answering those same emails at 11:00 at night and I told Bill, again, I said, “If the guards are threatened in any way, shape or form, they are to call the sheriff’s immediately.” I’ve reiterated that multiple times. That is something they should be doing. Mr. Clark: Report it. They need to give us a report. Mr. Mehrlich: Well, they didn’t call the police the other night and they left. They left because they felt threatened. Mr. Showe: That also doesn’t show up on the reports we get from them. So, I have no way of following up. Mr. Clark: The threats all need to be reported to us. Mr. Showe: Correct. Mr. Brown: How many hours do we pay for the sheriff office a month? Mr. Showe: It ends up being about 30ish. Mr. Brown: So, could we, and I don’t know whether sheriff’s office is allowed or not, but even though we don’t have law enforcement capability, are we allowed to have the sheriff’s office accompany us when we’re enforcing our rules? Could we do 5 hours of that is with security while security is towing vehicles? Mr. Clark: I think they’ve got some discretion whether they want to take that assignment. I think what the sheriffs do is they tend to just take time blocks and then they do what they want to do. Mr. Soukup: Which isn’t bad overall because that helps keep it random; not when we have an issue like this, but overall, that works well. Mr. Brown: But yeah, if they would say, “Hey, so many hours a month we would like for you to accompany us while we have a vehicle towed because it ends up being a bad scene.” Mr. Clark: If they’ll do that, we can do it since it’s within our powers to hire them and have them do that. Mr. Brown: At that point, if you was to call the sheriff’s department and say “Hey, I’m fixing to tow a car and I am fearful for it.” Aren’t they kind of obligated to send somebody over? Mr. Soukup: Well, it’s a non-emergency. Mr. Showe: It’s non-emergency. Mr. Clark: You may get an “Okay, if you’ll stand by, we’ll have an officer do it.” Mr. Showe: The challenge is what Scott is saying, and we have to schedule them for certain hours. It’s hard to know that we’re going to be towing from five to nine o’clock in a certain night. Mr. Mehrlich: I know it’s hard. I know it’s rough. Bill has even told me that he did like the gentleman said here that you could call the sheriff’s department. If you call the sheriff’s department over this, it’s just not going to do anything. It’s just not a severe enough situation for them to be involved. But, when you’re an individual and you’re going through this, it’s just not good. We shouldn’t have to live through this. This is why we live in this community. That’s why all of this is here, so we don’t have to do this. And if this law is allowed to be broken, why am I abiding by all of the other laws? Why do I have to go through a lengthy process with pavers on my driveway and dot this “I” and cross this “T” and everything. And you got somebody right up the road that is just blatantly disrespecting us like this. It’s crazy. Mr. Clark: Because the HOA has lane rights. I’ll do some more digging and come back and see if we can brainstorm this thing. Mr. Mehrlich: Yes. Thank you, guys. Thank you. Mr. Soukup: When would you like the 90 days reports? Mr. Clark: Can you help me offline figure out how to retrieve the reports? Mr. Showe: Yes. Absolutely. Mr. Clark: There’s probably a login or something. If you just show me that, then I’ll get the reports. Mr. Soukup No need for Bill? Mr. Showe: No. Not right now. No. Mr. Brown: My point of hiring them occasionally is if you find a pattern in this. Mr. Showe: Oh, absolutely. Yes. If we find a pattern. Right now, it’s a little difficult because when they see the violations from the videos, our rules mean they have to be in the street for 30 minutes. Sometimes they’ll drive by and note there is a vehicle in the road and when they come by on the next patrol 30 minutes later, the vehicle’s not there. So, it’s hard to find a pattern. It tends to be random. Mr. Clark: One thing you can do is get rid of the 30 minutes. I’ve got a District that did that. They did it frankly because a guy died of a heart attack because the EMT couldn’t get to him. And everybody moaned and groaned and said, “You can’t do this to us.” But it stopped after a few tows. If the 30 minutes are creating enforcement problems. The problem is it’s doing it for this one person, and then everybody gets punished. Mr. Mehrlich: Oh, I’ve got an 18-year-old daughter. Trust me. It’s like I’m always on her. They could violate me a few times, I’m sure, but it’s not blatant. It’s not like this. It’s a different type of park. Trust me. I am shooting myself in the foot. The security knows. Bill knows. They all know. There’s multiple families that live in this house, even though they’ll tell you they’re not. But it’s what’s happening. It’s almost like a rotating thing. It’s a weird situation. Mr. Clark: In this other District, one of the things that I told them because some of the HOA people were sitting in the meeting, and they were complaining that we weren’t doing anything and I said, “You guys have a rule not to have multiple families and you’ve got a rule about turning garages into living rooms and gymnasiums and things like that and you’re not enforcing those things. And if you’re not going to enforce them, then we’re going to have these problems and we’re not going to be able to do anything about it.” So, if that’s a problem, the HOA gets to figure that out too. Mr. Mehrlich: Yes. I know they try hard on it. I know Ken’s had a hard time with neighbors that had an Airbnb next to them or they rent rooms out or something. That’s a nightmare. But yes. I’ve got dinner reservations too, so I want to go. But this is a problem. I see the empathy on everybody’s face, and I appreciate it and I thank you. Mr. Soukup: Yes, absolutely. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. Soukup: That brings us to the public comment period. There are no residents present. We’ll go ahead and close the public comment period. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the April 23 2024, Board of Supervisors Meeting Mr. Soukup: That brings us to approval of the April minutes. Are there any revisions? Mr. Mehrlich: I have none. On MOTION by Mr. Brown seconded by Mr. Mehrlich with all in favor the Minutes of the April 23, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting were approved as presented. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Mr. Soukup: That brings us to discussion of proposed Fiscal Year 2025 budget. Mr. Showe: We also just emailed this out to you, but we also wanted to make sure if there was any other changes before we go ahead and start working on the letters that need to go out. But right now, it’s a $243 increase and that was with the increase to the roadway fund to kind of match up each number for the next three years to get all that work done. That’s the only real change to it. Mr. Brown: Will you let me know when that public hearing is? Because I am pretty sure I’m going on vacation. Mr. Mehrlich: $243. What is that, like a 25% increase? Mr. Showe: Yes. It’s about a 27% increase. But again, it’s all really capital reserves. You guys have really been utilizing your capital reserves to balance kind of the increase in expenses over the last several years. I mean, obviously, we’ve got a lot of roadway work coming up that we need some of those funds to snatch up for them. So, we’ll do a full presentation like we did last time. Mr. Mehrlich: I think it’s a minor increase when you consider everything else that is going up. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Addition to Lighting Agreement Mr. Showe: Sure. And then behind that, we also received a proposal for some additional Christmas lighting. Tim, if you want to cover any of that or what your thoughts were on that. Mr. Mehrlich: The only reason I called them and asked them about that was that I just wanted to offer an option. Like how much does it cost to put bows on the streetlights? What would it cost to do that? If we wanted to do something more than what was there. It wasn’t like this is what I want to do. I just wanted to have some options if we wanted to do some other things. So, there’s a price out there. It’s something that we can do When it gets closer to it, it’s there. That was all that was. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Soukup: Staff reports. Mr. Clark: The Board authorized me at the last meeting to send a precede notice to OUC. I’ve done that and received it. The State of Florida’s division of financial services received it. It hasn’t caused anything to happen yet, but I wanted to let you know that update. I also wanted to let the Board know that I’ve requested an increase in my hourly rate during the coming fiscal year, October 1. It’s an increase from $300 to $325 an hour. It’s a bigger increase than I’ve done in the past. The last increase was two years ago. But frankly, just like you’ve got on your budget, our cost of insurance and software and cybersecurity and things like that, we’re just seeing 25% to 30% increases year over year. So, I feel like that’s something I’ve got to do. If I calculate that with the rate increase, it will still fall within your budget. And I will tell you, and you can ask Jason if I’m telling the truth, I think that I still fall within or under the market. You can ask Alan. Mr. Showe: Yes. Through April 30th, his pro-rated budget, if he spent it according to the budget would be $16,000 if he spent $11,800, so he’s $4,000 under. Mr. Clark: Yes. I think my peers who do this work are charging $350 and $375. I haven’t heard the four number yet, but it’s probably out there somewhere. Mr. Soukup: They’re still paying that student loan off. Mr. Clark: I don’t aim to be the most expensive or the cheapest, but I would ask you to approve that. That would be effective October 1 of the new fiscal year. Mr. Brown: Just out of curiosity, how many peers do you have? Because I know one other. I only know of one other attorney that does CDDs. Mr. Clark: I’d like to say that I don’t have any peers. That may be more a comment on age. But there are firms that do this; kind of a select number of firms. The attorneys at the partner level with 30 or more years of experience are getting up close to $400, in my experience. Mr. Brown: Yes. Maybe it’s just because I only deal with people who do business with Osceola County. Mr. Clark: Yes. Mr. Brown: Yes. So other than you, there’s a lady, I don’t remember her name, that I talk to sometimes. She’s the only other one I know. Mr. Showe: Yes. We deal with probably five or six others. Mr. Clark: I think, Jason, you need a motion for the record to approve that. Mr. Brown: Oh, yes. I was going to say, wouldn’t we just approve that in the budget. Mr. Showe: I would just say, just approve the increase in fees that way it’s clear on the record. Mr. Brown: Ok. So moved. Mr. Soukup: Motion by Mr. Brown. Mr. Mehrlich: I’ll second. Mr. Soukup: Second by Mr. Mehrlich. On MOTION by Mr. Brown seconded by Mr. Mehrlich with all in favor the Increase in Attorney Fees was approved. Mr. Clark: All right. And lastly, I would just let the Board know for information and Jason is aware of this. We had the gentleman at the last meeting who made a request to take out some pine trees because of pine needles and stuff dropping on his screen. He’s been communicating with us quite a bit. And I’ve become involved in it with his suggestion that he’s hired an attorney. I feel good about the action that the Board took. So, I am not suggesting a change. I’m just letting you know that information. Mr. Soukup: Ok. Anything else? Mr. Clark: Nothing from me. B. Engineer Mr. Soukup: Okay, that brings us to Engineer. Pete. Mr. Glasscock: I don’t have anything. I’m still working on the annual inspection. I should have that finished up the middle of next week. Other than that, I don’t have anything. C. District Manager’s Report i. Approval of Check Register ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement iii. Presentation of Registered Voters- 2,877 Mr. Soukup: That brings us to the District Manager’s Report. Mr. Showe: The first item we have is the approval of your Check Register. In your General Fund, there is Checks #7279 through #7300 for $58,660.09. We have Capital Reserve Checks #129 for $7,900 for a total of $66,560.09. Both Alan and I can answer any of questions on those invoices should you have any. Mr. Soukup: Are there any questions on any of the invoices? On MOTION by Mr. Jaisingh seconded by Mr. Soukup with all in favor the Check Register in the amount of $66,560.09 was approved. Mr. Showe: The next item is your Balance Sheet and Income Statement. This requires no action from the Board. Your general fund, we are doing better than budget to actuals, so, we're in good shape there. You’re at 99% collected on your assessments. Mr. Showe: We are also annually required to present to you the number of registered voters. Currently you have 2,877 registered voters. This is a drop of a couple of 100 from here last time. We do just want to remind folks that we do have two seats up for election this year, which is Mr. Soukup and Mr. Jaisingh seats. The qualification here again is June 10 at noon through June 14 at noon at the Supervisor collections office. iv. Presentation of OCSO Reports Mr. Showe: We’ve got your Osceola County Reports after that. D. Field Manager’s Report Mr. Showe: Then, Alan can go over the field manager’s report. Mr. Scheerer: Thank you. The Amenity Center is in good shape. Filters have been replaced. Fitness Center is in good shape. Pool’s in good shape. We did get a report from security. A couple of things, the exit gate on Partin was knocked off. I haven’t had a chance to look at the video. I’ll do that on Friday. And some body over by Club Villa, I am not sure how they did it, took out the divided highway sign there. So, we’ll get that back up as quickly as possible. And then we had an issue with one of the ladders. Hopefully that got fixed. And one of the steps came loose and came off. Hopefully that’s been taken care of. I haven’t checked that out yet today. We continue to meet with Down to Earth on a regular basis. The trees that the Board approved at Farrington have been removed. Those stumps have been ground down and we’ll just have to see what the next step is going to be over at the Farrington address. We did issue the RFP. Jason put together a document with the help of the team and our scope and that’s been issued. We’ve had seven requests so far for the RFP document. So, the next meeting? Mr. Showe: Yes. We should be able to distribute it to you at the next meeting. We’re only going to receive it probably the day before. Mr. Scheerer: Right. Mr. Showe: So, you guys can either review it or take some time to make some changes. You don’t necessarily have to make a determination right when you receive it. In fact, it’s going to be a lot of information, so we would rather you take your time and go through it. Mr. Scheerer: Yes. So, other than that, what we’re going to be doing, we’ve got a couple of lights out at a few of the neighborhood monuments. We’ll be doing a full inspection of that next month and get that taken care of. And then, Brownies was out to address a couple of the storm drains on Remington Boulevard. After our last known decent rain, we had a couple catch basins that were slow to drain, so they pulled out a bunch of oak leaf debris and stuff out of the two drains. I can answer any questions you might have. Mr. Brown: We appointed a committee for that didn’t we? Didn’t we appoint ourselves for the RFP? Mr. Showe: You don’t really appoint a committee. The Board is the committee. Mr. Brown: Oh okay, I thought we had to officially appoint ourselves. Mr. Clark: You’re thinking of the Audit probably. Mr. Brown: Okay. Mr. Mehrlich: But with us as a committee, we can’t communicate with each other over it. We have to communicate here. Mr. Showe: Correct. So, what will happen is there is a score sheet. Each one of you will take your time over probably a month or so and score it. You can provide those to us. We will present those probably after your budget hearing. We want to make sure we got those back before your budget hearing so that we have a number of the budget because at this point, we kind of put a number in there we think is enough. But once we have those bids in, we can adjust your budget slightly so. Mr. Clark: Is it your intent to distribute them at the next meeting? Mr. Showe: Correct. Mr. Clark: And they will remain confidential at that time until we can come back to the next meeting, but I’ll give you specific instructions on how to handle them. Mr. Showe: Yes. And we will give you the score sheet and we’ll also fill it in. The score sheet has a formula for pricing. We’ll fill that in for you so it’s consistent. And then you guys will have flexibility in how you fill in the other categories in terms of points. Mr. Soukup: Okay. Mr. Showe: That’s all we have. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests Mr. Soukup: That brings us to Supervisor’s Requests. Mr. Mehrlich: Thank you guys for listening. I appreciate it. I see the care in your faces. I apologize for my colorfulness. Thank you. Mr. Brown: The only thing I was going to say was the sign. He already knew somebody ran it over. Mr. Scheerer: Security has been on top of the reporting. Mr. Brown: Whoever did that damage their car. Mr. Scheerer: Yes. They left a piece of it. It’s not there anymore. Mr. Jaisingh: I have nothing. Mr. Soukup: Okay. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Date – June 25, 2024 Mr. Soukup: With that, our next meeting is set for June 25th. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Soukup adjourned the meeting. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman RESOLUTION 2024-06 THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION OF THE REMINGTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (“DISTRICT”) RELATING TO THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS AND ADOPTING THE BUDGETS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2024, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2025; AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the District Manager has, prior to the fifteenth (15th) day in June, 2024, submitted to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) of the Remington Community Development District (“District”) proposed budgets (“Proposed Budget”) for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024 and ending September 30, 2025 (“Fiscal Year 2025”) along with an explanatory and complete financial plan for each fund of the District, pursuant to the provisions of Section 190.008(2)(a), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, at least sixty (60) days prior to the adoption of the Proposed Budget, the District filed a copy of the Proposed Budget with the local governing authorities having jurisdiction over the area included in the District pursuant to the provisions of Section 190.008(2)(b), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Board set a public hearing thereon and caused notice of such public hearing to be given by publication pursuant to Section 190.008(2)(a), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the District Manager posted the Proposed Budget on the District’s website at least two days before the public hearing; and WHEREAS, Section 190.008(2)(a), Florida Statutes, requires that, prior to October 1st of each year, the Board, by passage of the Annual Appropriation Resolution, shall adopt a budget for the ensuing fiscal year and appropriate such sums of money as the Board deems necessary to defray all expenditures of the District during the ensuing fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the District Manager has prepared a Proposed Budget, whereby the budget shall project the cash receipts and disbursements anticipated during a given time period, including reserves for contingencies for emergency or other unanticipated expenditures during the fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE REMINGTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: SECTION 1. BUDGET a. The Board has reviewed the Proposed Budget, a copy of which is on file with the office of the District Manager and at the District’s Local Records Office, and hereby approves certain amendments thereto, as shown in Section 2 below. b. The Proposed Budget, attached hereto as Exhibit A, as amended by the Board, is hereby adopted in accordance with the provisions of Section 190.008(2)(a), Florida Statutes (“Adopted Budget”), and incorporated herein by reference; provided, however, that the comparative figures contained in the Adopted Budget may be subsequently revised as deemed necessary by the District Manager to reflect actual revenues and expenditures. c. The Adopted Budget, as amended, shall be maintained in the office of the District Manager and at the District’s Local Records Office and identified as “The Budget for the Remington Community Development District for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2025.” d. The Adopted Budget shall be posted by the District Manager on the District’s official website within thirty (30) days after adoption, and shall remain on the website for at least 2 years. SECTION 2. APPROPRIATIONS There is hereby appropriated out of the revenues of the District, for Fiscal Year 2025, the sum of $__________________ to be raised by the levy of assessments and/or otherwise, which sum is deemed by the Board to be necessary to defray all expenditures of the District during said budget year, to be divided and appropriated in the following fashion: TOTAL GENERAL FUND $__________________ PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT FUND $__________________ CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS $__________________ TOTAL ALL FUNDS $__________________ SECTION 3. BUDGET AMENDMENTS Pursuant to Section 189.016, Florida Statutes, the District at any time within Fiscal Year 2025 or within 60 days following the end of the Fiscal Year 2025 may amend its Adopted Budget for that fiscal year as follows: a. A line-item appropriation for expenditures within a fund may be decreased or increased by motion of the Board recorded in the minutes, and approving the expenditure, if the total appropriations of the fund do not increase. b. The District Manager or Treasurer may approve an expenditure that would increase or decrease a line-item appropriation for expenditures within a fund if the total appropriations of the fund do not increase and if either (i) the aggregate change in the original appropriation item does not exceed the greater of $15,000 or 15% of the original appropriation, or (ii) such expenditure is authorized by separate disbursement or spending resolution. c. Any other budget amendments shall be adopted by resolution and consistent with Florida law. The District Manager or Treasurer must ensure that any amendments to the budget under paragraph c. above are posted on the District’s website within 5 days after adoption and remain on the website for at least 2 years. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 23rd DAY OF JULY, 2024. ATTEST: REMINGTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT By: Secretary/Assistant Secretary Its: Exhibit A: Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 Exhibit A Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 [FY 2025 Budget follows] RESOLUTION 2024-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE REMINGTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAKING A DETERMINATION OF BENEFIT AND IMPOSING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2025; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS; CERTIFYING AN ASSESSMENT ROLL; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Remington Community Development District (“District”) is a local unit of special-purpose government established pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, for the purpose of providing, operating and maintaining infrastructure improvements, facilities and services to the lands within the District; and WHEREAS, the District is located in Osceola County, Florida (“County”); and WHEREAS, the District has constructed or acquired various infrastructure improvements and provides certain services in accordance with the District’s adopted capital improvement plan and Chapter 190, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) of the District hereby determines to undertake various operations and maintenance and other activities described in the District’s budget (“Adopted Budget”) for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025 (“Fiscal Year 2025”), attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, the District must obtain sufficient funds to provide for the operation and maintenance of the services and facilities provided by the District as described in the Adopted Budget; and WHEREAS, the provision of such services, facilities, and operations is a benefit to lands within the District; and WHEREAS, Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, provides that the District may impose special assessments on benefitted lands within the District; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the District to proceed with the imposition of the special assessments for operations and maintenance in the amount set forth in the Adopted Budget; and WHEREAS, the District has previously levied an assessment for debt service, which the District desires to collect for Fiscal Year 2025; and WHEREAS, Chapter 197, Florida Statutes, provides a mechanism pursuant to which such special assessments may be placed on the tax roll and collected by the local tax collector (“Uniform Method”), and the District has previously authorized the use of the Uniform Method by, among other things, entering into agreements with the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector of the County for that purpose; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the District to adopt the Assessment Roll of the Remington Community Development District (“Assessment Roll”) attached to this Resolution as Exhibit B and incorporated as a material part of this Resolution by this reference, and to certify the Assessment Roll to the County Tax Collector pursuant to the Uniform Method; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the District to permit the District Manager to amend the Assessment Roll, certified to the County Tax Collector by this Resolution, as the Property Appraiser updates the property roll for the County, for such time as authorized by Florida law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE REMINGTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: SECTION 1. BENEFIT & ALLOCATION FINDINGS. The Board hereby finds and determines that the provision of the services, facilities, and operations as described in Exhibit A confers a special and peculiar benefit to the lands within the District, which benefit exceeds or equals the cost of the assessments. The allocation of the assessments to the specially benefitted lands, as shown in Exhibits A and B, is hereby found to be fair and reasonable. SECTION 2. ASSESSMENT IMPOSITION. Pursuant to Chapters 190 and 197, Florida Statutes, and using the procedures authorized by Florida law for the levy and collection of special assessments, a special assessment for operation and maintenance is hereby imposed and levied on benefitted lands within the District, and in accordance with Exhibits A and B. The lien of the special assessments for operations and maintenance imposed and levied by this Resolution shall be effective upon passage of this Resolution. SECTION 3. COLLECTION. The collection of the operation and maintenance special assessments and previously levied debt service assessments shall be at the same time and in the same manner as County taxes in accordance with the Uniform Method, as indicated on Exhibits A and B. The decision to collect special assessments by any particular method – e.g., on the tax roll or by direct bill – does not mean that such method will be used to collect special assessments in future years, and the District reserves the right in its sole discretion to select collection methods in any given year, regardless of past practices. SECTION 4. ASSESSMENT ROLL. The Assessment Roll, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit B, is hereby certified to the County Tax Collector and shall be collected by the County Tax Collector in the same manner and time as County taxes. The proceeds therefrom shall be paid to the District. SECTION 5. ASSESSMENT ROLL AMENDMENT. The District Manager shall keep apprised of all updates made to the County property roll by the Property Appraiser after the date of this Resolution and shall amend the Assessment Roll in accordance with any such updates, for such time as authorized by Florida law, to the County property roll. After any amendment of the Assessment Roll, the District Manager shall file the updates in the District records. SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY. The invalidity or unenforceability of any one or more provisions of this Resolution shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of this Resolution, or any part thereof. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect upon the passage and adoption of this Resolution by the Board. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 23rd DAY OF JULY, 2024. ATTEST: REMINGTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT _____________________________ By: ___________________________ Secretary / Assistant Secretary Its: ____________________________ Exhibit A: Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 Exhibit B: Assessment Roll Exhibit A Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 [FY 2025 Budget follows] Exhibit B Assessment Roll [Assessment Roll follows] Remington CDD Landscape RFP 2024 Firm Name 1- Personnel & Equipment (20 points possible) 2- Expirience (20 points possible) 3- Understanding of Scope of Work (15 points possible) 4- Financial Capacity (5 points possible) 5- Price (25 points possible) 6- Reasonableness of Numbers (15 points possible) TOTALS Down To Earth Helping Hand Lawn Care OmegaScapes Weber/ Continuum Yellowstone Osceola County Sheriff's Office Detail Activity Sheet B&W Job Site: Remington Community Development DATE TIME LOCATION ACTIVITY INCIDENT # 06/07/24 1800 Remington Community Development 10-8 1810 Remington Blvd Traffic Stop 1830 Remington Blvd Patrol 1900 Knights bridge Traffic Stop 1930 Strathmore Patrol 2000 Remington Blvd Patrol 2030 South bridge Patrol 2100 Strathmore Traffic Stop 2130 Remington Blvd Traffic Stop 2200 Remington Blvd Patrol 10-7 Calls for Service Arrests Traffic Stops Parking Violations Routine Checks Calls Taken Misdemeanor Citations 2 Citations Parks 6 Back-up Felony Written Warning 1 Written Warning Schools/Library Self Initiated Traffic Verbal Warning 1 Verbal Warning Businesses 6 Reports Ordinance Construction Name: ____Raymond West______________________________________ ID #: _____898_______ Date: ______06/07/24_____________________ Job Site: Remington DATE TIME LOCATION ACTIVITY INCIDENT # 06/13/2024 1300 Remington Detail Start 06/13/2024 1300 Windsor Park Patrol 06/13/2024 1330 Parkland Square Patrol 06/13/2024 1345 Eagles Landing Patrol 06/13/2024 1357 Remington Blvd Parking Violation 06/13/2024 1400 Gleneagles Patrol 06/13/2024 1425 Knightsbridge Patrol 06/13/2024 1500-1600 Remington BLVD Traffic 06/13/2024 1615 Oakview Patrol 06/13/2024 1645 Harwood Patrol 06/13/2024 1700 Remington Detail End Calls for Service Arrests Traffic Stops Parking Violations Routine Checks Calls Taken Misdemeanor Citations Citations Parks 2 Back-up Felony Written Warning Written Warning Schools/Library Self Initiated Traffic Verbal Warning Verbal Warning 1 Businesses Reports Ordinance Construction Name: Deputy Josh Beekman ID #: 1797 Date: 06/13/2023 SO-09-238 Rev. 4/6/10 Osceola County Sheriff's Office Detail Activity Sheet Job Site:_REMINGTON CDD________ DATE TIME LOCATION ACTIVITY INCIDENT # 06/21/2024 1805 Remington CDD Begin detail 24C108380 06/21/2024 1809 2995 Remington Blvd Trespass 24I067813 06/21/2024 1907 Remington/ Knightsbridge Stop Sign Violation/ Window Tint AJTFFYE 06/21/2024 1915 Remington/ Knightsbridge Stop Sign Violation AJTFG0E 06/21/2024 1933 Remington/ Knightsbridge Stop Sign Violation AJTFG1E 06/21/2024 1946 Remington/ Knightsbridge Stop Sign Violation AJTFG2E 06/21/2024 2010 Remington/ Knightsbridge Stop Sign Violation While Stop lights. Citation issued. 06/21/2024 2022 158 W Moreland Cir Parking violation / Parked Near Stop sign. Verbal 06/21/2024 2031 Remington/Knightsbridge Stop Sign Violation AJTFG8E 06/21/2024 2044 Remington/Knightsbridge Illegal U-turn 116124W 06/21/2024 2044 Remington/Knightsbridge Found Property Submitted. 06/21/2024 2200 Remington CDD End Detail 24C108380 Calls for Service Arrests Traffic Stops Parking Violations Routine Checks Calls Taken 1 Misdemeanor Citations 5 Citations Parks Back-up Felony Written Warning 1 Written Warning Schools/Library Self Initiated Traffic Verbal Warning Verbal Warning 1 Businesses Reports 1 Ordinance Construction Name: _S. Zuluaga #3195 _______________ Date: _____06/21/2024________ SO-09-238 Rev. 4/6/10 Osceola County Sheriff's Office Detail Activity Sheet B&W Job Site:____Remington Subdivision______________ DATE TIME LOCATION ACTIVITY INCIDENT # 06/24/24 1800-2200 Patrol Remington Subd Patrol 1800-2200 Traffic control throughout neighborhood Traffic 1805 754 STONEWYCK WAY 911 CALL 24I069121 2030 1027 MARISA LANE SUICIDE ATTP 24I069179 Calls for Service Arrests Traffic Stops Parking Violations Routine Checks Calls Taken 1 Misdemeanor Citations Citations Parks 4 Back-up 1 Felony Written Warning Written Warning 3 Schools/Library 2 Self Initiated Traffic Verbal Warning Verbal Warning Businesses 4 Reports Ordinance Construction Name: ___KRISTIN MINERVINO________________ ID #: __1412_____ Date: ____06/24/24______________ SO-09-238 Rev. 4/6/10 Job Site: Remington DATE TIME LOCATION ACTIVITY INCIDENT # 06/28/2024 1300 Remington Detail Start 06/28/2024 1300 Windsor Park Patrol 06/28/2024 1330 Oakview Patrol 06/28/2024 1345 Harwood Patrol 06/28/2024 1357 Knightsbridge Patrol 06/28/2024 1400 Gleneagles Patrol 06/28/2024 1425 Knightsbridge Patrol 06/28/2024 1500-1600 Remington BLVD Traffic 06/28/2024 1615 Parkland Square Patrol 06/28/2024 1645 Eagles Landing Patrol 06/28/2024 1700 Remington Detail End Calls for Service Arrests Traffic Stops Parking Violations Routine Checks Calls Taken Misdemeanor Citations Citations Parks 2 Back-up Felony Written Warning Written Warning Schools/Library Self Initiated Traffic Verbal Warning Verbal Warning Businesses Reports Ordinance Construction Name: Deputy Josh Beekman ID #: 1797 Date: 06/28/2024 SO-09-238 Rev. 4/6/10 Detail Activity Sheet Osceola County Sheriff's Office Job Site:___ Remington CDD____ DATE TIME LOCATION ACTIVITY INCIDENT # 7/3/2024 1300 – 1345 Remington Blvd Speed/ Traffic Control 7/3/2024 1345 – 1400 Golf Club House Suspicious Vehicle 7/3/2024 1400 – 1420 Strathmore; Club Villas Patrol 7/3/2024 1420 – 1450 Hawks Nest; Harwood; Westmoreland Patrol 7/3/2024 1450 – 1520 Water’s Edge; Southampton; Crown Ridge Patrol 7/3/2024 1520 – 1550 Arden Place; Brookstone; Eagles Landing Patrol 7/3/2024 1550 – 1600 Basketball, Baseball, Tennis Courts; Remington Mart Park Check; Business Check 7/3/2024 1600 – 1620 Gleneagles; Parkland Square Patrol 7/3/2024 1620 – 1650 Windsor Park; Somerset; Oakview Patrol 7/3/2024 1650 – 1700 Remington Blvd Speed/ Traffic Control Calls for Service Arrests Traffic Stops Parking Violations Routine Checks Calls Taken Misdemeanor Citations Citations Parks 1 Back-up Felony Written Warning Written Warning Schools/Library Self Initiated 1 Traffic Verbal Warning Verbal Warning Businesses 2 Reports Ordinance Construction Name: __Cody Wood___________________________________________ ID #: _2139_________ Date: __7/3/2024_______________________ SO-09-238 Rev. 4/6/10 Detail Activity Sheet Osceola County Sheriff's Office Job Site:___ Remington CDD____ DATE TIME LOCATION ACTIVITY INCIDENT # 7/12/2024 1300 – 1330 Remington Blvd Speed/ Traffic Control 7/12/2024 1330 – 1400 Golf Club House; Strathmore; Club Villas Patrol 7/12/2024 1400 – 1430 Hawks Nest; Harwood; Westmoreland Patrol 7/12/2024 1430 – 1500 Water’s Edge; Southampton; Crown Ridge Patrol 7/12/2024 1500 – 1530 Arden Place; Brookstone; Eagles Landing Patrol 7/12/2024 1530 – 1550 Basketball, Baseball, Tennis Courts; Recreation Center Park Check 7/12/2024 1550 – 1600 Remington Mart Business Check 7/12/2024 1600 – 1620 Gleneagles; Parkland Square Patrol 7/12/2024 1620 – 1650 Windsor Park; Somerset; Oakview Patrol 7/12/2024 1650 – 1700 Remington Blvd Speed/ Traffic Control Calls for Service Arrests Traffic Stops Parking Violations Routine Checks Calls Taken Misdemeanor Citations Citations Parks 2 Back-up Felony Written Warning Written Warning Schools/Library Self Initiated Traffic Verbal Warning Verbal Warning Businesses 2 Reports Ordinance Construction Name: __Cody Wood___________________________________________ ID #: _2139_________ Date: __7/12/2024_______________________ SO-09-238 Rev. 4/6/10